It is our business to know online business and through research & commitment, we can bring you the best quality design and features.

We work with you to create the systems and narratives that form a foundation for better business.

A Buyer’s Journey

Thanks to digital channels, customers are more empowered and knowledgeable today. They know exactly what they need or want and were to get it. Whether its eCommerce site or a touch screen tablet in a physical shop, it's important for both of us to understand that journey of being a visitor, to prospect and to becoming a customer.

Digital Approch

Trade and technology have changed dramatically since our first e-commerce project 14 years ago. Devaxa has continuously evolved over the years by never giving up on our clients, learning about their business through empathy helping our customers find the right, individual solution to their e-commerce needs. As an e-commerce agency, we believe every project is unique as is our analysis, consulting and development of sophisticated e-commerce solutions.

Today, e-commerce is driven by innovative and disruptive business models, by merging online and offline sales channels and meeting the increasingly demanding and rapidly changing requirements of customers and the marketplace is a key element of success in business. We help bring technology to the forefront of our clients businesses allowing them to adapt to ­shorter market cycles, keep one step ahead of their competition, and so be confident in what the future holds. 

Market Research

Market research is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information about a target market, consumers, competitors and the industry as a whole. Market research is the foundation of any successful company and it can be used for a number of different purposes – from identifying a new market to launching a new business.

Why You Need it

  • To determine the feasibility of a new business:

    If market research indicates there’s little or no demand for the product or service, the business is unlikely to succeed.
  • To identify and develop potential new markets:

    When it comes time to finding new markets for growth, the question isn’t about when or how — it’s about who and where
  • To keep close tabs on marketing trends:

    Develop strategies on how to stay ahead of the curve or adapt to changing market conditions.
  • To test demand for new products or features:

    Test marketing can be a very useful way of trialling products in new markets to assess likely sales or identify what modifications are needed
  • To determine optimal product placement:

    How, when and where should a product enter the market.
  • To improve and innovate their business :

    Identifying issues with certain business aspects such as customer service early, helps companies overcome costly disruptions later.
  • To boost the success of their promotional campaigns:

    By gauging customer sentiment and understanding how their brand is perceived, businesses can better shape their branding and marketing strategies.

Purchase Situation

Must also be examined to uncover expansion opportunities. Questions to ask when reviewing purchase analysis are:
  • When do people buy our product or service?
  • Is it when they need it?
  • Where do people make the purchase?
  • How do they pay?

Types of Research

Primary & Secondary

There are two types of market research data: primary information and secondary information.

Primary information is first-hand data gathered from original sources. You either collect the data yourself or hire someone to do it for you, but the bottom line is that you control the process from A to Z.

Secondary information is information and data that has been gathered by others and is publicly available either online or offline. This could be data published in newspapers, reports, journals and so on, or information freely available online. The downside here is that everyone has access to this same information and you have had no control over the collection methods.

Qualitative & Quantitative

The types of information collected through both primary and secondary sources can be either qualitative or quantitative.

Qualitative information helps you gain a better understanding of how people feel about certain topics, what they think and how/why they make choices that they do. The best sources to collect qualitative information include in-depth interviews, focus groups, and direct observations.

Quantitative information is based on statistics and tends to be more structured. Closed question Questionnaires and surveys fall under this type of information.


  • Search

    Typically, a buyer’s journey begins with a search. They could find you through various channels like Google search, social media, or through the promotions you run.
  • Consume

    This is where the buyer would start to know you and your portfolio better. They will land on your website, consume the content and thought leadership assets you have and assess your expertise and experiences.
  • Connect

    Once they buyers are convinced that you offer the solutions to their challenges or opportunities, they will be ready to contact with you. It could be a mere form fill on your website, or an email to your sales asking for a demo of your products or services.
  • Buy it

    After evaluating various vendors and their expertise, buyers tend to award the business to organizations who have got better recommendations and reviews. Customer stories, testimonials, and assets related to ROI of your solutions help a great deal in this.

Integrated Digital Marketing

Streamlining your marketing strategies! Devaxa take the stress and hassle out of dealing with multiple digital marketing agencies. Finally, your keywords, campaigns, messages and imagery can benefit from a cohesive approach across all mediums. A background in eCommerce and a heavy focus on conversions are our key drivers that help get the best outcomes for our clients.

Search Engine Optimisation

Ever-evolving keywords with no limits

We are constantly modifying phrases and keywords for your site and search engines based on the phrases that convert and those that don’t. We don’t guess what works. We test and let the data from search engines drive our decisions.

Optimisation by real experts, not robots

We look at every aspect of your website from both search engines and users’ point of view to ensure that it has the best opportunity to succeed once a user lands by making on site optimisations. This is all included in your monthly package.

The right kind of traffic to maximise conversions

All of our search engine optimisation strategies are geared towards getting you the right kind of traffic. From choosing the right keywords to making sure users land on the right page on your site, all ensure the optimal chance of conversion from your search visitors.


  • Keyword planner
  • Competitor review
  • SEO rollout plan
  • SEO related content suggestions
  • Ongoing site maintenance
  • Website auditing as required
  • Conversion optimisation suggestions
  • SEO related website changes & adjustments
  • We will discuss the results and activities of your service with you every month

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